
Monday, March 1, 2010

Growing too fast...

It seems as though it was just yesterday I found out I was pregnant again... Now I have this boy who loves helping in the kitchen, thinks he is too big for naps, and loves harassing his big brother. He is growing up so fast. Later this month, Scottie will turn 18 months old... and be officially into toddler hood. He tries to keep up with his brother in almost every way. First he watches then imitates what he sees. Words are flying out of his mouth, a new one almost every day. He is now putting words together to make phrases too! He is learning how to run. Its so cute to watch his little legs go! Last night as I was putting him to bed we did most of our night time routine then he said "Ma bed" so I put him in his bed then he waved at me and said "bye bye!" and layed down. I wasn't ready for that one yet! He is even helping me make dinner... enjoy the video!

Stephen is growing up too! Its hard to believe that it is time to start to think about school for him. We are going to hold him from kindergarten but since it is an all-day kindergarten here, he needs some time away from mommy to prepare him for that. He is also doing new things every day. He loves art and crafts, helping in the kitchen and yearns for learning. He always wants to do math, learn new letter sounds, tries to read and spell, and practice writing his name. He even helps me make lunch. We all can't wait for spring to come so we can go outside and explore and play games again.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! Scottie REALLY does try to keep up with his big brother. It is incredible! He acts like SUCH a big kid. : ) Can't wait to get outside with you guys this spring. We're ready now, too.
