
Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy half birthday Scottie!

Happy half birthday Scottie! He is growing up so fast. He tries to keep up with his brother in almost every way. He loves to help Mommy. He helps with laundry, dishes, vacuuming, cooking, and anything else I will let him do. He takes the trash to the can, helps pulling weeds, feeds himself for the most part, tries to play Wii, dusts, and makes huge messes. He wants to learn to ride a bike, play games with his big brother, play baseball or any other sport with a ball, and play on the computer. He has lots of teeth, the molars are popping through right now. He is learning many words and signing to get his point across to those who don't understand him. He is even calling me "Mommy" which makes my heart sing! He runs, dances, tries to sing the alphabet, and loves to pretend talk on the phone (maybe he is trying to imitate something he sees too much?? ;) ). He, unlike Stephen, doesn't mind me sitting and talking with my friends at the park. He takes off and plays like the big kids! He amazes me more and more each day. I look forward to planting the garden with both boys this year. I have a feeling that I won't be the only one playing in the mud and needing a bath afterwards.

1 comment:

  1. you are going to have lots of help in your garden this summer, denise! we're pretty excited about the strawberries!! : )

    sweet, sweet post about scottie. he's so precious and makes me smile when we see you guys.
